How to Set Up Server-Side Tracking in GA4: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Google Analytics has long been the go-to tool for website tracking, but with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), there is a new way to track user activity across devices: server-side tracking. In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the process of setting up server-side tracking in GA4, providing step-by-step instructions and expert insights to help you leverage this powerful tracking method effectively.

Understanding Server-Side Tracking

Before we dive into the setup process, let’s first explore what server-side tracking is and why it’s important for your digital marketing efforts. Traditionally, client-side tracking relies on a container in the user’s browser or phone to send measurement data to various collection servers. However, server-side tracking creates an interface between the client-side tracking and your marketing vendors by allowing you to build your own tracking server. This server, running on the Google Cloud Platform, acts as a proxy between your client-side tracking and your marketing tools.

The benefits of server-side tracking are manifold. First, it enables you to circumvent ad-blockers that may hinder data collection, ensuring accurate and comprehensive tracking of user behavior. Additionally, server-side tracking can help you save data resources, leading to improved website performance and user experience. By setting up GA4 server-side tagging, you gain more control over your data and can tailor your tracking setup to meet your specific business needs.

Creating a GTM Server-Side Instance

To get started with GA4 server-side tracking, you’ll need to create a GTM (Google Tag Manager) server-side instance. This instance will serve as the foundation for your server-side tracking setup. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create your GTM server-side instance:

Step 1: Log in to Google Tag Manager

The first step is to log in to your Google Tag Manager account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one by visiting the Google Tag Manager website and clicking on “Create Account.” Follow the prompts to set up your account, providing the necessary information such as your company name and website domain.

Step 2: Create a New GTM Server-Side Instance

Once you’re logged in to your Google Tag Manager account, navigate to the “Create Account” section. Here, you’ll be prompted to provide an account name, country, and other relevant details. Choose a descriptive account name that reflects your business or website. Additionally, specify the country in which your business operates. Finally, you can choose to share data anonymously if desired.

Step 3: Set Up the Server-Side Container

After creating the account, you’ll need to set up the server-side container. The container acts as a central hub for managing your server-side tracking tags, triggers, and variables. Provide a container name that aligns with your website domain or business name to keep everything organized.

Step 4: Configure the Tagging Server

Now it’s time to configure the tagging server for your GTM server-side instance. You have two options: automatic provision or manual setup. If you already have your own server ready, you can follow the manual setup guide provided by Google. However, for simplicity and ease of use, we recommend choosing the automatic provision option. This option leverages the Google Cloud Platform to deploy your server-side tagging. If you don’t have a billing account with the Google Cloud Platform, you’ll need to sign up and create one before proceeding.

Step 5: Provision the Tagging Server

Once you’ve selected the automatic provision option and have a billing account set up, you can proceed to provision the tagging server. Select your billing account from the available options and click on “Create Server.” The server creation process may take a few minutes. Once the server is created, you’ll be provided with important information such as the Google Cloud Platform project ID and the default URL for your server.

Congratulations! You have successfully created your GTM server-side instance and set up the tagging server. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll explore the server-side preview mode and verify the reachability of your server.

Server-Side Preview Mode and Reachability Verification

With your GTM server-side instance created, it’s time to familiarize yourself with the server-side preview mode and ensure that your server is reachable. The server-side preview mode allows you to debug and test your server-side container before deploying it to your live website. Here’s how to access the server-side preview mode and verify the reachability of your server:

Step 1: Access the Server-Side Preview Mode

To access the server-side preview mode, go to your GTM server-side instance and navigate to the container details. You’ll notice a new tab called “Clients.” Click on this tab to access the server-side preview mode. The interface will resemble a typical Tag Manager workspace, but with additional features specific to server-side tracking.

Step 2: Copy the Default URL

Within the server-side preview mode, you’ll find the default URL for your server. Copy this URL as we’ll be using it to verify the reachability of your server in the next steps.

Step 3: Enable the Server-Side Preview Mode

Click on the “Preview” button within the server-side preview mode to enable the preview functionality. This will activate the debug mode for your server-side container and open a new tab similar to the Tag Assistant tool.

Step 4: Verify Server Reachability

Open a new browser tab and paste the default URL you copied earlier. If your server is reachable, you should see a response indicating that the server received the request. This confirms that your server is set up correctly and can receive data from your client-side tracking.

By following these steps, you have successfully enabled the server-side preview mode and verified the reachability of your server. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll explore how to send data to the server-side instance and configure tags for Google Analytics 4.

Sending Data to the Server-Side Instance

With your server-side instance and server server, we can now start sending data to the server-side instance. To achieve this, we will configure tags in your client-side GTM account, which will send the data to your server-side instance. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to send data to the server-side instance:

Step 1: Access Your Client-Side GTM Account

Log in to your client-side GTM account, which is connected to your website. This is where you’ll configure the tags that will send data to the server-side instance.

Step 2: Create a New Tag

In your client-side GTM account, navigate to the “Tags” section and click on “New” to create a new tag. This tag will be responsible for sending the data to your server-side instance.

Step 3: Configure the Tag for Google Analytics 4

Since we’re focusing on Google Analytics 4 for this guide, select the tag configuration for Google Analytics: GA4. This configuration will allow you to send data to your server-side instance and then relay the information to the Google Analytics 4 endpoint.

Step 4: Provide the Measurement ID and Server Container URL

To configure the tag, you’ll need to provide your website’s measurement ID, which you can find in your Google Analytics account. In the admin section of Google Analytics, navigate to the data streams and select the relevant domain. Copy the measurement ID and paste it into the tag configuration in your client-side GTM account.
Additionally, check the option to send the data to the server container and enter the server container URL. The server container URL is the default URL of your server-side instance. This ensures that the data is sent to the server-side instance rather than directly to Google Analytics.

Step 5: Attach a Trigger

To determine when the tag should fire, you’ll need to attach a trigger to it. Triggers define the specific conditions under which the tag should be executed. In this case, you can use the “All Pages” trigger to fire the tag on every page of your website.

By following these steps, you have successfully configured a tag in your client-side GTM account to send data to your server-side instance. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll explore the process of setting up the Google Analytics 4 client in the server-side container.

Setting Up the Google Analytics 4 Client

In order for your server-side instance to receive and process the data sent from the client-side GTM account, you need to set up the Google Analytics 4 (GA4) client in your server-side container. The GA4 client acts as an adapter between the user’s device and your server container, transforming the measurement data into events and routing them for processing. Here’s how to set up the GA4 client in your server-side container:

Step 1: Access Your Server-Side GTM Container

Navigate to your server-side GTM container and click on the “Tags” section. From there, click on “New” to create a new tag.

Step 2: Configure the GA4 Tag

In the tag configuration options, select “Google Analytics: GA4” as the tag template. This template is specifically designed for Google Analytics 4 tracking.

Step 3: Provide the Measurement ID

To connect the tag to your Google Analytics 4 property, you’ll need to provide the measurement ID. This ID can be found in the admin section of your Google Analytics 4 account under the data streams for your website.

Step 4: Create a Trigger

Next, you’ll need to create a trigger that determines when the tag should fire. In this case, you can create a custom trigger that fires on specific events or conditions. For example, you can create a trigger that fires when a specific page is visited or when a certain action is taken on your website.

By following these steps, you have successfully set up the Google Analytics 4 client in your server-side GTM container. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll explore the concept of parallel measurement and its implications for server-side tracking.

Parallel Measurement in Server-Side Tracking

Parallel measurement is a key concept in server-side tracking that involves collecting data from both client-side and server-side sources. This approach allows you to gradually transition from client-side tracking to server-side tracking without disrupting your existing tracking setup. Let’s delve deeper into the concept of parallel measurement and how it applies to server-side tracking:

Understanding Dual-Tagging

When implementing server-side tracking, it’s recommended to set up a new Google Analytics 4 property specifically for server-side dispatch. This allows you to duplicate your existing tags, collecting data for both client-side and server-side hits. This dual-tagging setup ensures that you have a complete view of your data from both sources during the transition period.

Achieving Parity between Client-Side and Server-Side Measurement

To fully transition to server-side measurement, it’s important to achieve parity between your client-side and server-side tracking. This means ensuring that your server-side measurement is capturing the same data as your client-side measurement. Once you have achieved parity, you can modify your tags to collect data exclusively from the server-side, removing the dual-tagging setup.

Embracing Hybrid Collection

In many cases, it’s practical to collect some data directly from the browser to vendors while passing other data through the server container. This hybrid approach allows you to leverage the strengths of both client-side and server-side tracking, optimizing data collection based on specific requirements and use cases. Hybrid collection is a common practice in server-side tracking and offers flexibility in data collection strategies.

By understanding parallel measurement and embracing hybrid collection, you can effectively transition to server-side tracking while maintaining data integrity and optimizing your tracking setup. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll explore the role of clients in server-side tracking and how they facilitate data processing.

The Role of Clients in Server-Side Tracking

Clients play a crucial role in server-side tracking, acting as adapters between the user’s device and the server container. They receive measurement data, transform it into events, and route it for processing within the container. Let’s take a closer look at how clients work and their significance in server-side tracking:

Receiving Measurement Data from Devices

Clients are responsible for receiving measurement data from various devices, such as websites, mobile apps, or IoT devices. They act as intermediaries between the device and the server container, facilitating the transfer of data for further processing.

Transforming Data into Events

Once the client receives measurement data, it transforms it into events. Events represent specific actions or occurrences that you want to track, such as page views, button clicks, or form submissions. The client ensures that the events are structured in a way that the server container can understand and process effectively.

Processing Events within the Server Container

After transforming the data into events, the client passes them to the server container for processing. The server container contains tags, triggers, and variables that work together to process the events and perform various actions, such as sending data to marketing vendors or storing it for analysis.

Packaging Results for the Requester

Once the server container has processed the events, the client is responsible for packaging up the results and sending them back to the requester. This can take various forms, depending on the specific requirements and actions defined within the server container. For example, the client may send back a confirmation message, redirect the request to another server, or trigger actions on the user’s device.

By understanding the role of clients in server-side tracking, you can appreciate their significance in facilitating data processing and enabling seamless communication between devices and the server container. Now let’s move on to the next section, where we’ll provide a step-by-step example of setting up GA4 server-side tracking.

Step-by-Step Example: Setting Up GA4 Server-Side Tracking

To solidify your understanding of the server-side tracking setup process, let’s walk through a step-by-step example of setting up GA4 server-side tracking. In this example, we’ll create a simple website that uses gtag.js to send a “click” event to the server-side container. Here are the steps involved:

Step 1: Configure gtag.js

First, configure gtag.js to send data to your server-side container. In the HTML code of your website, include the gtag.js script and configure it to point to your server container URL. This ensures that the data is sent to your server-side container instead of directly to Google Analytics.

Step 2: Create a GA4 Configuration Tag

In your client-side GTM account, create a new tag for Google Analytics 4 configuration. Provide your website’s measurement ID and specify the server container URL in the tag configuration. This tag will be responsible for sending the “click” event data to your server-side container.

Step 3: Attach a Trigger

To determine when the GA4 configuration tag should fire, attach a trigger to it. In this example, you can use a custom trigger that fires when the “click” event occurs. This ensures that the tag is executed only when the specified action is taken on your website.

Step 4: Preview and Debug

Before deploying the setup to your live website, it’s crucial to preview and debug the configuration. Enable the server-side preview mode in your server-side GTM container and verify that the server is reachable. Test the “click” event on your website and ensure that the data is being sent to your server-side container correctly.

By following these steps, you have successfully set up GA4 server-side tracking for your website. Now you can collect data from client-side events and process it within your server-side container.

Best Practices for Server-Side Tracking

Now that you have a solid understanding of the setup process for GA4 server-side tracking, let’s explore some best practices to ensure optimal performance and data integrity:

Plan your tracking strategy:

Before implementing server-side tracking, take the time to plan your tracking strategy. Understand your business goals and the specific data you need to collect. This will help you define the events, tags, and triggers required for your server-side container.

Ensure data parity:

To achieve accurate and comprehensive tracking, strive to achieve data parity between your client-side and server-side measurement. This means ensuring that your server-side tracking captures the same data as your client-side tracking.

Regularly test and debug:

Server-side tracking requires ongoing testing and debugging to ensure data accuracy. Regularly check the server-side preview mode, verify the reachability of your server, and test different scenarios to ensure that data is being processed correctly.

Optimize data processing:

Server-side tracking allows you to optimize data processing based on your specific requirements. Take advantage of this flexibility to streamline data collection, reduce data duplication, and improve overall tracking performance.

Monitor and analyze data:

Once your server-side tracking is up and running, regularly monitor and analyze the data collected. Use the insights gained to refine your marketing strategies, improve user experiences, and drive business growth.

By following these best practices, you can maximize the benefits of server-side tracking and leverage the full potential of GA4 for your digital marketing efforts.


Server-side tracking offers a powerful and flexible approach to data collection and analysis. By setting up GA4 server-side tracking, you can gain more control over your tracking setup, ensure data integrity, and optimize your marketing efforts. In this guide, we have explored the step-by-step process of setting up server-side tracking in GA4, from creating a GTM server-side instance to configuring tags and triggers. We have also discussed best practices and provided expert insights to help you make the most of this tracking method. With this knowledge in hand, you can confidently implement server-side tracking and unlock valuable insights to drive your business forward.

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