Influencer Outreach Strategy in Bangladesh: 13 Steps to Get Success

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Influencer marketing is applicable to all types of businesses. This strategy helps to figure out the object of the business. And that would be more effective when the brands get authentic and professional influencers who can understand the business goals, and have already signified with loyal followers. They establish certainty, conviction, and confidence through their enlightenment and perception. 

By using a voice you can spread your brand awareness and provide your service from thousands to millions of customers. In this case, if you know some essential steps for influencer outreach strategy then you can: 

  • Increasing new customers that you couldn’t reach easily
  • Hold relevant customers for a long time 
  • Build supremacy in your niche 

Being perplexed about how to do influencer outreach correctly? 

Let’s dive into the 13 steps for outreaching true passionate and potential social media influencers in Bangladesh. 

What is Influencer Outreach? 

Influencer outreach is the activity of creating networks with influencers. 

On the online business platform, customers trust people’s words more than business. And for this purpose, the brands are using influencers who have loyal followers and good connections with the audiences. They know how to convince the customers in a natural way. For example, in the summer 7up ran a campaign with Shakib-Al-Hasan. In this campaign, he motivates the younger generation to think fresh so that they can pop up with a solution to each problem. Thus he encourages the younger generation, tackles the toughest situation calmly and mildly. 

What are Influencers and Why are They Important to Business? 

Influencers who have knowledge of particular content that matches your niche create an impact over your relevant audience. 

Marketers understand the importance of influencer marketing. They know influencers have a lot of contributions. Before purchasing any product online people spend huge time doing research. Nowadays, depending on the voice recommendation of the influencers people get encouraged to buy. People like influencers, rely on their words and respect their suggestions. 

Influencers are gems for marketers because they help to acquire customers and increase your revenue. In addition, they have a creative mind and have a strong quality of making innovative video content for your business. 

How Do You Properly Implement Influencer Marketing in 2023? 

For implementing your influencer marketing campaign successfully you should follow 5 steps: 

Step #1: Set your goals 

Marketers do influence marketing for increasing awareness and sales. You can increase both while you make a goal. In this case, you should know: 

  • Who are the customers for your brand
  • What type of influencer is suitable for your business 
  • What type of content do you want to create 
  • Set your social media platform                          

 Step #2: Fix your budget 

In such a situation, you have to include: 

  • How much charge do the influencers ask for the campaign? 
  • How many influencers do you want to add? 
  • How long do you want to run your campaign?

You may also need to know about how to generate successful influencer marketing campaign.

Step #3: Find an Influencer

How to find influencer in Bangladesh

You can find influencers from: 

  • Google 
  • Social media 
  • YouTube
  • LinkedIn 
  • Bloggers 
  • Influencer marketing platforms 

If you can’t understand how you choose influencers you can contact digiSocial which is one of the best influencer marketing agencies in Bangladesh. digiSocial has well-trained influencers who can recognize your business goals and needs. 

Step #4: Contact influencer

For Influencer Outreach apply these strategies  

  • Make a list of the influencers to whom you select 
  • Check the website to get information on a brand partnership 
  • Use your professional account while sending the message 

Step #5: Measure your Return on Investment (ROI) 

You can calculate your ROI by using two methods-

First method: 

Second method: 

Why will influencer marketing sustain itself?  

sustain ability of influencer marketing

Influencer marketing strategy is becoming popular all over the world. All marketers use this strategy to get attention on the internet. From large to small business owners spend time and money to run a successful influencer marketing campaign. This process will continue more over the upcoming years because- 

  • Many people build their careers as an influencer  

Social media platforms create many opportunities for people. And many people, especially teenagers, choose their careers as an influencer. Brands are hiring to work with them. Both equally benefited from the influencer marketing. 

  • Influencer marketing agencies are raising 

Currently, many agencies are providing influencers to marketers. Agencies instruct and groom the influencers so that they can work properly for the brands. And choosing an agency for an influencer marketing campaign is the best option to get success. The agency makes proper plans with their teams and you don’t need to do anything for your influencer marketing campaign. From the begging to the end the agency manages everything.

In Bangladesh, many agencies are working for influencer marketing with marketers. And If you feel you are interested to work with an agency I can recommend you digiSocial for your successful influencer marketing campaign because they are- 

  • They help to fix your goals 
  • From beginning to end they manage and optimize the campaign 
  • They have experienced and creative teams to make plans 
  • They publish posts on the social media pages of company for interacting with customers 
  • They are compact for distributing all types of influencers 
  • Video content becomes more popular than written blog posts 

Influencers increase their followers on particular social media platforms. On that platform, they post different types of content. In Bangladesh, TikTok is becoming popular and influencers make short video content on this platform. Also, influencers go live on Facebook and YouTube for promoting products of different brands. 

The most famous Bangladeshi content creators are popular for their strong devotion to creating original content. The most popular content creators on YouTube such as Tawhid Afridi (4.23M subscribers on YouTube), Prottoy Heron (3.88M subscribers), Salman Muhammad Muqtadir (1.49M subscribers), Rasheduzzaman Rakib (1.09M subscribers), Tahseen N Rakib (1.21M subscribers) and so on. And thus many teenagers are getting influenced to establish their career as creative content creators.  

  • Influencers share their real-life routine 

People enjoy seeing the daily life routine of the influencers that are sharing on social media platforms. Influencers post their vlogs without over editing, making them simple and realistic. Audiences don’t like overreacting and scripted videos and they don’t trust these types of influencers. 

By creating original and authentic videos, influencers gain trust and loyalty from their followers. And based on followers brands offer them paid partnerships. In this way, they create sponsored content for many brands. 

Methods of Ecommerce stores to use influencers 

methods of using influencers for ecommerce store

Influencers work with big companies and new entrepreneurs. They help them to find their current customers. They have potential and so passionate while working with different types of marketers. For promoting products e-commerce stores use influencers in this wise: 

  • Influencers use code or links of the brand pages

Influencers create a live video on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube by mentioning the page link on their post. In detail, they explain about the product and services. Even they respond to the queries of the customers reading the products. 

  • Share the Commodities 

It is a kind of give-and-take relationship with influencers and marketers. Mainly new entrepreneurs use this strategy. They send their products to the influencers as a gift and the influencers post them on social media platforms as a beautiful gifts from X brand. 

  • Use glorification from influencers 

Brands hire influencers for giving the review on their products. Influencers use the products and provide suggestions on how to use that product. Audiences are more convinced by their commendation of influencers than website reviews. 

  • Discount offer promotion 

Brands deal with influencers and if customers use influencers’ code names then they will get discount offers. And if the marketers increase their sales, then the influencers will get commissions for each sale. Thus the marketers improve their ROI. 

  •  Target micro-influencers 

At the beginner level while starting an influencer marketing campaign, most small or local business owners target micro-influencers for working with them. As a result, small marketers easily reach to their goals and gain good profit. 

13 Steps of Influencers Outreach to Get a Successful Campaign 

You want to work with influencers, but you don’t know how to get in touch. Or you don’t know how to send messages so that influencers get interested to work with you. You are waiting to get back a reply, unfortunately, you can’t reach them because of some mistakes. I would suggest following the 13 steps so that you can nail your outreach strategy to persuade influencers. Let’s drop to the steps: 

Step #1: Know your purpose 

We hire influencers because we have purposes.


Selecting purpose is important because based on your demand it is easy to select the influencers. Suppose your purpose is only to create brand awareness. Then you can hire celebrity influencers and they have millions of followers. If you have a plan for growing your sales on online presence then you should select micro-influencers

Never select your influencers without setting your goal and object. Because influencers matter depending on your purpose. Different types of influencers is engaged for specific desires and reasons. 

Step #2: Explore influencers for significant

There are different types of influencers such as bloggers, content creators, social media users, TikToker, industry experts, thought leaders, and so on. Marketers engage these types of influencers for their specific purposes. So for matching your niche with influencers you have to explore a lot. 

So research more and more to understand the relevance of the influencers with your business. While you explore to figure out the connectivity with the influencers must ask yourself: 

  • Which type of influencers do you want to work with?  
  • What is the profile species of influencers? 
  • What type of content do they create? (That relevant to your business)
  • What type of audience do they have ( The customers you want for your business)
  • What type of product do they promote in their previous work? 
  • Why they would work for your product? 
  • How many brands engage them for promotional videos? 

Step #3: Attain the attention of the influencers 

Before starting your campaign, you can follow them, and share their post regularly. As a result, while they will notice your profile they can understand you are interested to work with them. You can create a network with influencers through LinkedIn. Show your interest by sharing, commenting, liking, and retweeting their posts. 

Step #4: Make a list for collecting contact numbers and email addresses

As you are an online business owner and working with influencers, so it’s essential to make a list of influencers’ contact and email address. In this case, you can make an excel spreadsheet where you can put their social media account links, followers’ numbers, and email addresses. You can collect their email address from their channel description or bio. 

Step #5: Short campaign agreement 

You know what you want for your campaign. Make a list that when you start your campaign, what to do, and what not to do. After giving a clear idea regarding your campaign, let them know about your budget and how much you can pay them for the campaign. Ask them how long they collaborate with you. And finally, know the process and how can they help you to reach your goal. 

Step #6: Get the influencers who know about your business strategy 

By working with different brands, influencers get a lot of experience. They learn how to apply strategies for a successful campaign. A professional influencer can guide you on which strategy is more applicable to your business. You can tell your goal and plan what you expect from them and then they work on it in their own creative ways. 

Suppose, you want an influencer who will promote your product by making video content. They will make original video content for your campaign and for this you don’t need to give them any idea. Because they know how to promote the product!  

Step #7: Use business account not personal 

While you send messages to the influencers directly, use your professional account. If you want to get back the reply, don’t use a personal account. Before working with any brands all the influencers know about the company. If they feel secure and authentic then they are eager to work with the brands. So, for sending messages or emails, use a business account. 

Step #8: Check their website 

This is a good practice to visit the website of the influencers while doing research about them. Professional and interested influencers mention their information so that the companies can connect with them for brand partnership. Influencers are so open-minded and nowadays they publicize their contact information on their website or social media platforms. 

Step #9: Choose the contact medium 

There are mainly two ways to contact influencers. You can use DMs and email. If you use DM outreach you have to write to the point, short and sweet messages. That means you have to complete your message within 1,000 characters

Currently, influencers use mention their email address in their bio. That means they prefer to get email than DMs. Also, if you send an email you can write the information properly and don’t need to face any limitations. While sending emails you can show your creativity so that you can make the curiosity of the influencers work with you. 

Step #10: Write a perfect outreach email 

While you are writing your email, follow the 5 steps: 

  • Write the name of the influencers to whom you are sending mail 
  • Start with a good introduction, make a clear statement about why their content is relevant to you and avoid non-specific utterances 
  • Introduce your brand and explain precisely why they are perfect for the content testimonial 
  • Then nicely explain how they get benefited if they collaborate with you 
  • At the end of the message add a clear CTA that could be a meeting or call. 

Step #11: Encounter influencer’s influencers 

Influencers have good relationships with other influencers. If you have a good connection with influencers who have already worked with you, then ask them to meet you with their influencing friends. This process is very helpful and easy to get new influencers. So maintain a good relationship with the influencers after completing your campaign. You can send some gifts with a thanksgiving letter. And let them know that you are eager to work with them again. 

Step #12: Be patient 

Usually, influencers get many messages from their followers and their inbox is always full of messages. They check the messages at a certain time. You can wait for two days to get back a response from them. Also, that can happen if they forget to respond to your message. In this case, you can send follow-up messages so that they can think back to your previous message. 

Step #13: Be genuine and sincere 

What is your goal and plan let them know. Never hide anything and always be clear about the agreement. Be nice to them as they give a lot of effort to your company. Helping you to get customers and increase your sales. 

You’ve accomplished an influencer: what is the upcoming task? 

As you get your influencers now you don’t know what is next.  Follow the tread: 

  • Represent an inspiring approach 

Tell them how you work with them. What are the advantages they can get, make it explicit.  

  • Show your interest 

Let them know, why do you think they are perfect for your brands. 

  • Build on your relationship 

Comment and share their post and feel free to ask them to join your campaign. Gradually grow a more personal relationship with them for further requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can contact them through their verified social media account. The influencers share their contact information on their bio or website. While sending them emails make sure you are using your professional account not personal.

Influencer outreach strategy is an easy-going method to get in touch with expert influencers who can bring and attract your audience. So, while you send a message to influencers show your interest and inspiring approach to get their attention. Be respectful, friendly, and practical.

It depends. Some influencers mention their email address in their bio. That means you have to send them an email for communicating with them. Some influencers respond by direct message. However, sending emails shows a professional approach. You can clearly express your purpose via email whereas for DM you have to explain your opinion to the point within 1000 characters. 

Follow the mail five steps for outreaching influencers: 

Step 1. Research, research, and research. The more you research about the influencers the chances created to reach out to the right influencers. 

Step 2. Make a list in an excel spreadsheet. Add their profile link, email, contact numbers, followers, and social media accounts. 

Step 3. Share your purpose and make a plan in a remarkable way so that both can be benefited 

Step 4. Before the campaign make an agreement and discuss properly what you want from them 

Step 5. Make a friendly relationship so that both of you can work together again. 

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