How Does SEO & PPC Work Together in Digital Marketing (10 Latest factors)

A repeated question we are frequently asked is: which is better for my brand: SEO or PPC? 

Basically, SEO and PPC are completely distinct in digital marketing but complementary. So, which is better, depends on the context of each business. For instance, if you want to focus on hyper-targeting, then PPC is suitable for your business or if you want to grow organic traffic to the website, then rely on SEO. Both are effective and partial for your business. 

And you know what? 

You can use SEO and PPC together for making a high-growth marketing plan.

But what’s the benefit? 

Both work for increasing traffic, conversions, and displaying marketing. A key change between the two areas is that SEO is free, whereas PPC charges money. So, the question comes, how do SEO and PPC work together in digital marketing? 

Am I right? 

Read the content to learn 10 latest grips on how SEO and PPC strategies work simultaneously for amazing results! 


You can define the purpose of SEO and PPC in two ways. If you want to increase your free website traffic and high expected audiences, use SEO. Then again, to get paid click and hyper-targeted can use PPC.


Here we get to know how SEO helps websites and businesses active for better results: 

  • SEO increases visibility when using correct keywords in the content. Through the content, SEO assists in spreading brand awareness. 
  • The return on investment (ROI) is more suitable than any other paid discipline 
  • To promote the brand value SEO can be done on a low budget 
  • SEO performs for a long time. Rankings may turn down but the site will be noticeable. 
  • The natural search results show higher click-through rates (CTRs) because audiences prefer to click on organic catalogs than any other paid ads. 


Know some paid advantages of using PPC for your business. 

  • Accurately get the Ideal consumers through the paid advertising 
  • PPC allows measuring and testing options for the ad so that you can improve your keywords and the performance of the campaign. 
  • PPC offers the opportunity to track the conversion 
  • Google ad provides an online shopping option and boosts CTR. 
  • In a short time, Google ads gain the top site in the search results page with the help of relevant keywords. 

SEO and PPC – The Compatibility

There are many differences between SEO and PPC, but the similarities are also noticeable. The main compatibilities are website traffic, rank in the search results, and keyword strategies. 

When choosing keywords for Google ads, focus on the relevant keywords and exclude the negative keywords for targeting the specific audience. Whereas, the SEO needs applicable keywords for the related content.

Does SEO work on PPC or PPC works on SEO?

Practically, PPC does not work on SEO but incidentally, it works.


When we run any Google ad, it appears at the top of the search results. Also, we need to pay extra concentration when we do research for Google ads, and somehow PPC helps to find more precious keywords for SEO. Along with this, you can target your local and ideal customers for your products and services. Through the PPC ad, local users visit your site which boosts website ranking. 

If you want to make a strong and vigorous marketing plan for your business, then you can apply PPC and SEO altogether to get more advantages.

So, keep reading to know how PPC & SEO can work together to improve your digital marketing strategy.

Why Do You Need to Mix the Two?

Business owners want website traffic because they want people to know about their brands. So, they do SEO to improve their search engine results page. (SERP). In such a situation, they create content and add appropriate keywords. As well as upgrading the click-through rates (CTR).  

Though, there is no guarantee that your brand can easily rank in the top position. So, unfortunately, you can’t provide your product and service info to your audience properly. But if you use Google ads, then you can promote your products and services to the audiences. 

When online consumers click on paid ads, they can visit the website to purchase the product.  This process not only increases sales but also impacts website traffic.  

So, a combined strategy is the best way for every business to do digital marketing. Here is mentioning the advantages of perfect SEO and PPC combination-  

  • People type on the search engine for queries and based on the queries you can create product ads (adding keywords) for particular audiences. In this way, you can maintain client stickiness.  
  • You can get a detailed report about your search terms that leads to improving your Google ad campaigns and ranking. 
  • Based on the ad performance and the quality score you can optimize your PPC campaign as well as SEO. (because you get the option to improve the keywords). 
  • You can fix the budget wisely, which means you can use cost per click. Besides, you can improve your landing page experience
  • Applying creativity while making ads. Using engaging keywords rather than focusing on normal keywords. 

So, mixing the two means, SEO + PPC = Search marketing blessing 

10 Ways to Merge SEO and PPC Marketing Strategies 

If you are peeping to know how SEO and PPC work together to gain visibility, then follow the guidance that is provided below: 

1. PPC manages SEO Description

Using SEO for marketing means proving brand information by following a continuous strategy. When you use PPC for your brand promotion that impacts SEO, therefore the audience can know more about your brand and products.

2. Optimize the page based on user behavior

Google ads offer to track conversions and that makes it possible to upgrade the keywords. Besides, business owners promote content by dint of SEO. Also, it is easy to know the user’s query, which helps to optimize the webpage based on searcher behavior.

3. Grow The site visibility

A combined page grows your site visibility. How? It’s simple.  Suppose, You plan to run a Google ad and that ad is shown on the search result. And if you rank by the successful PPC campaign, automatically your brand’s name will appear when the users will search in the organic search results.

4. Spread positive reviews and publicity

SEO and PPC help you to spread positive reviews about your products and services. Also, you can express your brand’s story to the users. For instance, to share your story you can choose some relevant keywords by using PPC and SEO. This strategy helps to increase website traffic and expand the brand’s popularity.

5. Brining back previous visitors through PPC remarketing

With the help of SEO, users visit your website which may rank but not increase your sales. For reminding the previous users you can apply PPC remarketing so that they can visit again and purchase your products.

6. Effective data helps to take the best decision

While you run your Google ads, you get a quality score and understand the performance. With the help of SEO, you can guess the website traffic and ranking. So, when you get the combined data from both disciplines that help to take an effective decision in your digital marketing strategy.

7. Track and measure the performance

Before measuring the performance of PPC and SEO, you should set the goal and objective of your business. For PPC there are many KPIs to measure and among them, click-through rates and conversions are the most important to monitor. 

By monitoring them, you can identify the failings of your ad campaign, which helps to make a fruitful decision.

For SEO you can measure organic traffic, organic conversions, keyword categorization, and time consumption on the page. 

Tracking the information on PPC and SEO raises the performance of both sides and the beneficialness of each procedure. So, mixing the two helps to achieve the business goals.

8. Shared keywords data and research

It is one of the great advantages that keywords data can be exchangeable between two. Also, a successful campaign relies on selecting relevant keywords. Well, you have a great option to test and identify your target keywords when you run a Google ad. Besides, you can make perfect content with the high- value keywords that minimize your cost. 

For bidding, PPC needs top keywords. So, if your brand comes in the top ranking automatically that impacts bidding in your PPC campaigns. And the reverse happens when you write more SEO content. 

When mixing PPC and SEO, both strengthen keyword success. The keywords we select for SEO are not effective for paid searches. On the other hand, when we use PPC that shows poor organic results. When we combine both major problems reduce equally. Thus, priceless PPC keywords and organic SEO share keyword data with each other to get potential progress.

Recommended reading for you: How to do Keyword Research for PPC Campaign 

9. Bring profitable results

Combining SEO and PPC brings a positive result because both share the data and based on the information you can manage your profit. You get high conversions and ROI because of picking out the expensive keywords. 

10. Protect PPC ranking by SEO strategy and vice-versa

SEO and PPC are different but indirectly help each other. For ranking PPC you can use an SEO strategy for online visibility. Also, you can improve your quality score.  Again, for SEO ranking apply the paid keywords in your content for your website. 

5 Major Benefits of Running SEO and PPC Campaigns Together 

The online markets need to apply a digital marketing strategy. But marketing strategy works for a short time. The business owners want to get a long-term strategy so that they can be benefited from a long-term process. To get benefits, use SEO and PPC strategies together to gain experience for a long period of time. Below mentioning 5 major benefits: 

1. Tool sharing

To write SEO content you need to prepare keywords. Use Google Keyword Planner for relevant keywords. Also, Google Search Console helps both to know about content searching information, content topic, and ad copy. 

2. Evaluate the domain and local market

You can understand your audience and their necessity. Even Through the PPC campaign, it helps to know how many local searchers search for your products and services. And you can increase your new audiences by adding local keywords to your campaign. 

3. Grow trust in the brand

An online business website increases trust. So, if your brand name appears at the top rank, that means customers know about your brand. You can achieve this position when you apply SEO and PPC for your digital marketing strategy. 

4. Attract customers

When your website gains the top ranking position, users get interested to visit your site. That makes it possible by merging SEO and PPC strategy. 

5. Effective small business owners

We know that SEO is free for all but PPC demands cost. Some small online business owners may think they can’t apply this strategy for their business growth. But this is totally wrong because it is a very useful strategy for them. Through SEO and PPC they can spread their brand value and target the audiences within a short time.

Need Support Establishing an Appealing SEO and PPC Marketing Plan?

If you only use SEO but want to apply PPC to your business growth, but don’t know about the appropriate process. Then digiSocial can help! It is a full-service digital marketing agency with experts in SEO and PPC. 

Contact us, we can help you to improve your website ranking, test new keywords, and SEO content for your digital marketing. Our expert team assists you in making smart decisions and meeting your particular expectations. So, why delay? Reach out to us to gain online success.

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