How to Evaluate the Success of the PPC Campaign in 2023

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Why is Pay Per Click (PPC) crucial for digital advertising? 

It’s because PPC campaigns are accessible for mainstream search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Both of them are free to use and prop up online advertising. Besides PPC is at hand on social media platforms. 

And the success of the PPC campaign is included in many data and features. Also, remember that PPC campaigns cost, which means you are playing with money. Your silly mistakes can outgoings you a lot. 

signs are accessible for mainstream search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Both of them are free to use and prop up online advertising. Besides PPC is at hand on social media platforms. 

Your success isn’t guaranteed, if not you fix your Key performance indicators for tracking and monitoring your outcomes. You can’t avoid it because it is a paid campaign and you need to know which metrics you should focus on. 

If you don’t understand how to evaluate the success of a PPC campaign, then keep reading below 12 core metrics that declare the prosperity of PPC campaign implementation. 

Read also: The YouTube Marketer’s Guide to Measuring Ad Effectiveness

Why Should you Launch A Business with PPC Ads? 

Ecommerce businesses rely on PPC ad because it expands apparentness on search engines, and brings quick results and authentic returns. Here’s why you should launch PPC ads for maintaining your business against competitors. So PPC ad: 

  • Increases conversations and sales 
  • Expand brand awareness 
  • Provides immediate results 
  • Assists to set goals and earnings 
  • Helps to get benefits on social media platforms 
  • Provides the option of controlling the budget 
  • Focuses specific groups 
  • Develops SEO performance 
  • Brings back previous site visitors 
  • Increases immediate traffic on the website 

How Do You Run PPC Ads for Any Business? 

PPC ads for any Business

To run PPC ads for any business, some basic steps are mandatory. Here are some explicit tips: 

1. Fix your aim: To run your campaign you need to find out your aim. Without fixing your purpose you can’t ensure your success. Be focused on your target consumers so that you can successfully spread your brand recognition. That means targeting a particular geographical location. 

2. Optimize your page: It is essential to improve the quality of your website. Make your website simple but impressive, Post updated content, and add CTA for particular search queries. 

3. Fix right and negative keywords: It is almost unworkable if you can’t choose the right keywords for your campaign. Do some research for selecting the perfect keywords. And if you want to target your audience then use negative keywords as well. You can use free keyword research tools to get negative keywords. 

4. Fix the budget: Time and budget both are important to run your PPC campaign. If you are new to starting your campaign then start with a small amount. Also, you should do research on what type of ads people click on and how they visit your website by clicking your ads. 

5. Evaluate the data: While you are launching your campaign you need to measure the results of it. Keep an eye on the response and how many clicks you get from your PPC ad. In this way, you can evaluate your ROI

Why is PPC Better Than Other Forms of Advertising? 

Why PPC better that other forms of advertising

PPC is better than any other advertising. All types of entrepreneurs rely on it because they know online reputation is a must to grow the business. PPC advertising is effective because it includes: 

Low-cost: If you are a small business owner, you can think about PPC advertising because you can only pay when users visit your website. 

Pick out: You can target your right audience according to location, age, language, and device. 

Measurable: It is a great advantage to run a PPC campaign because you can carefully measure your investment and return money from your campaign. 

Quick result: You can see the instant results by running the PPC campaign. 

Customizable: If you think you want to improve your campaign, then you have options to change the process.

Training methods: You can learn methods from online courses to run an effective Google ads service

And that is why PPC is more practical than any other advertising.

I am giving you extra tips on what to do before running a PPC campaign

  • If you are new to running a PPC campaign then you can start with a Pay Per Click ad because if you get more clicks that help to increase your sales. 
  • Do research a lot for making a list of important and relevant keywords
  • Make sure that your ads are optimized for not only desktop but also mobile.
  • To know the quality level of your company, set up a USP certainly. 
  • Must add a Call to Action to get a response from the audience 

Finally, If you want to make a good PPC ad, then concentrate on the relevancy, ad copy, landing page, testing, monitoring, and quality score.   

Understand the Concept of Reporting Metrics to Measure the PPC Campaign 

Reporting metrics to measure the PPC campaign

For measuring the results of a PPC campaign, you need to understand the metrics first. Without knowing the terms it is difficult to analyze. Let’s introduce several metrics: 

Clicks: It means, how many clicks you get on your ads. 

Impressions: You can measure the impressions by the search results 

Conversions: You can track your ad’s conversions by establishing the account level 

Quality score: Quality score means measuring ad relevance, ad copy, keywords, and landing page. 

Click-through rate (CTR): CTR informs you how many people click on your ads. By CTR you can understand the performance of your campaign. 

Average cost-per-click (CPC): CPC means you need to pay based on your ad clicks. 

Average position:  You can compare your ad’s rank and position on the search results page. 

Now you know the metrics on how to measure the success of your Google ads. But do you know that fixing your goal is the first priority to get successful results?

Your goals can be: 

  • Increase the website traffic 
  • Product and brand promotion 
  • Improve sales 
  • Brand recognition and customer engagement 
  • Ranking the high position 
  • Tradition goal 

After fixing your goals, you can track key metrics of Google ads in three ways: 

  • Traffic-focused KPIs
  • Conversion-focused KPIs
  • Revenue-focused KPIs 

How to Evaluate the Success of Top 12 PPC KPIs? 

Monitoring the performance of your campaign helps to bring positive results. Let’s see how to measure PPC campaign success

1. Quality score: If you get to know the keywords selection or relevancy of an ad is not correct, it means your quality score is low. It is important to calculate because you can compare your ad quality with other advertisers.

You can use the Quality Score Diagnostic tool to know about the errors so that you can give more effort to improve the quality of ads. 

How to check the quality score? 

  • Create a Google Ads account 
  • Then press on the keywords 
  • Click on this icon 
  • Select Quality Score to view the status and score (Quality Score, Landing Page, Exp. CTR, Ad relevance) 
  • Click for Apply 

How is it calculated? 

To measure the quality score you should focus on 3 sections, Expected clickthrough rate (CTR), Ad relevance, and Landing page experience

2. Measure impressions: It helps to know how many audiences view your ads and it is calculated when the users scroll down the page. However, tracing the impressions of your Google ad is not sufficient because you can’t know the effectiveness of your ads. 

3. Impression share: It helps to know the completion of your ads and emulate the performance of others’ ads. 

How is it calculated? 

Impression share: number of impressions collected ÷ whole number of impressions obtainable 

How to check the impression share? 

  • Go to the Google ads account 
  • From the page, menu select your options (Campaigns, Ad groups, product groups, keywords) 
  • Then press on column model and select Modify columns 
  • Click on competitive metrics and attach impression share columns 
  • Now press to apply 

Know more about metrics to get a clear concept of impression share. 

  • Search impression share: The collected impressions on the Search Network ÷ an approximate number of impressions were allowed to gain. 
  • Display impression share: The collected impressions on the Display Network ÷ approximate number of impressions were allowed to gain. 
  • Search lost IS (budget): Ads will not appear on the Search Network in view of inadequate low cost. 
  • Display lost IS (budget): Ads will not appear on the Display Network in view of inadequate low cost. 
  • Search lost IS (rank): Ads will not appear on the Search Network in view of low-grade Ad Rank in the commodity 
  • Display lost IS (rank): Ads will not appear on the Display Network in view of low-grade Ad Rank in the commodity 
  • Search exact match IS: The collected impressions ÷ approximate number of impressions were allowed to gain on the Search Network for search terms that are equivalent with perfect keywords. 

4. Clickthrough rate (CTR): To know about the ad performance, keywords, and listing you should use CTR. 

How is it calculated? 

CTR% = (clicks ÷ impressions) X 100  

So, how many clicks you received from the ad is divided by how many the ad expressed. Suppose, if you have got 10 clicks and 100 impressions, then your CTR is 1%. By knowing the rate of CTR you can get an idea that which area you need to develop. Even if you use the correct keywords for ads, more clicks will come to your ad. 

5. Conversion rate: It is used to know the percentage of clicks that turns to make a conversation. For PPC 2.35% is considered as average conversion and 3.75% is considered for Google ads. But the standard conversation rate is 10% and it depends on location, types of industry, and many other reasons. 

How is it calculated? 

Conversion rate= (Conversions ÷ number of ad interactions)X 100 

For example, if you have 10 conversions from 100 interactions then the conversion rate is 10%. 

Learn the types of conversion 

There are many types of conversion and know about them when you need to track your advertising. 

Website purchase: You can know how many interactions are created on your website to purchase your products. 

Page view: You get to know the particular page view on your website. 

Website lead: Getting the visitor’s communication details by way of a web form. 

App installs: You can track the record of how many people install your app from your advertising. 

Sign up:  By your ad, you can count the conversion rate of how many people sign up to participate in your offered event. 

Phone calls: By adding a call extension you can count conversion records in your Google ads. 

App first opens: You can know who opens your app for the first time. 

In-app actions: For increasing the convention of your app, you can promote it through advertising. 

6. Source and conversion tracking: Source tracking helps to know the traffic information such as social media, search engines, and so on. Conversion tracking informs you how many audiences are involved with your content.

You can follow three ways to track: 

1. UTM tags: Use these bids of code at the end of your URLs so that you can know how many visitors arrive at your site and get their location, medium, and source information. 

2. Pixel tags: Add a tracking pixel in your website’s HTML code that carries an outside link to the pixel server. 

3. Automated conversion tracking: This option is suggested by the most expensive advertising channels. If you use it then instinctively it fixes your purposes and focuses on the users recommended. 

7. Return on investment (ROI): It counts the financial returns that you have invested to run your campaign. 

How is it calculated? 

ROI = (revenues – costs) / costs 

So, revenue offers how much money you get from your website, where you invest the money to make and promote your product through advertising. 

8. Average position: To know about the performance of your campaign, you should measure the average position. It spreads awareness fastly to the audience and assists to get more clicks. 

9. Cost per click (CPC): It means you have to pay based on your ad’s click. 

How is it calculated? 

CPC =  Total cost of clicks ÷ total number of clicks 

Suppose you get 2 clicks, 10 TK for one click and 20 TK for another click. So the total cost is 30 TK. If you divide 30/2,  then 15 TK is your cost per click. 

10. Cost per acquisition (CPA): It is essential because you can know how much new customers are asking price about your product. Also, CPA helps you to improve the campaign strategy. Even it builds a strong connection between business revenue and advertising efforts. 

11. Revenue on ad spend (ROAS): It calculates the profit created by your ads in contrast to the total amount of ads. If ROAS works well, then your business gains more profit. 

12. Landing page performance: Your webpage traffic will be increased when you get the clicks for Google ads. You can receive the report on your page’s URLs from your Google ad campaign. 

A PPC Advertising Agency You Can Trust 

In Bangladesh, you can hire digiSocial, if you want to get success for your PPC ad campaign. You can trust this agency because digiSocial knows how to run successful PPC campaigns in an effective way. It has expert team members who know how to do research on keywords and use automatic campaigns to develop manual campaigns. Also, they provide weekly reviews to the clients. So, you can rely upon digiSocial to run an effective PPC campaign. 

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