What are the key Benefits of Influencer Marketing in Bangladesh?

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In Bangladesh, influencer marketing is an outstanding method to upgrade brand recognition on social media platforms. And this strategy is more applicable than direct advertising because influencers uphold your brand name in such ways that bring instant results.

The main factor in influencer marketing is that people rely more on influences than celebrities. The influencers treat their followers like friends and gain credibility and loyalty. 

And the question arises, is it worth investing the money in influencer marketing? 

It would be a positive response because it allows engagement, expands sales, spreads brand awareness, and gains the faithfulness of potential customers.  

What is influencer marketing? 

Influencer marketing is a way to boost products or services on social media platforms with the help of opinion leaders. 

This strategy is more fruitful than the traditional marketing method because people never feel terrified to purchase the recommended products by the influencers. At present, influencers have billions of dedicated followers and viewers. Through social presence, they gain love, respect, and trust from the audience. So, it allows reliable opportunities and creates many ways to get a huge return on investment.  

Do you know which is a key strength of influencer marketing?

Gaining Trusts of the customers. If you are able to achieve the trust and belief of your consumers, then you can increase your sale. And this is possible because people rely on the influencers, not the business.  

Why is influencer marketing so important? 

Before inventing social media platforms, mass people only depend on Television, Radio, newspaper, and magazine. For doing promotional works the brand owners used these mediums.

In modern days, the method of boosting has changed. Most people spend time on social media platforms. However, different people use different types of social media. And it is quite difficult to target proper customers. That is why influencer marketing is discovered which is the latest mediaspeak in digital marketing.  

And why it is necessary? 

Suppose you have a beauty shop and you want to increase your sales. But online business doesn’t work without promotion. Therefore, you have to hire an influencer who has not only followers but also expertise and knowledge of beauty. 

In Bangladesh, for raising your brand’s recognition you can collaborate with the most renowned influencers such as Shahnaz Shimul (1.4M followers), Nodi Khondaker (478k followers), or Barisha Haque (1M followers). As they have many followers and many people depend on them. They know what type of content people like and how to make effective advertising campaigns. 

How to identify the perfect influencer for your business? 

how to identify the perfect influencer

In this case, you have to be careful about identifying perfect influencers. Focus on some specific sides: 

  • Don’t rely on the number of followers, rather pay attention to who are the followers that you want to target. Use trendHero to check their real subscriber. 
  • Show the ability to engage target customers.
  • Judge their meaningful content creation expertise 
  • Judge their personality like their voice tone, behavior, and authenticity (focus on customer’s feelings to judge)
  • Notice their post frequency 

In addition, there are 4 types of influencers based on followers: 

  • Mega influencers: who have 1 million+ follower 
  • Macro influencers: who have 100,000 – 1 million followers 
  • Micro-influencers: who have 10,000- 100,000 followers 
  • Nano influencers: who have 10,000 followers or less 

Now decide what type of influencer you would prefer to work for to grow your business. 

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using influencer marketing?

Influencer marketing is so popular and owners are depending on this strategy day by day. However, there are different challenges that businesses face using influencer marketing. Here are mentioned both sides of influencer marketing: 


  • Influencers have loyal followers
  • Followers treat influencers as leader 
  • Easy to communicate with the audience 
  • People believe influencers and their recommendation 
  • Influencers bring sales for a long time process 


  • Working with the wrong influencer may bring a negative impact 
  • The wrong strategy may affect your brand
  • Not easy to proceed with the results 
  • Probability to face a high risk 
  • Huge competition 

Top 20 key benefits of influencer marketing in 2023

In Bangladesh, there are many popular influencers who have the quality to create a buzz by telling brand stories to customers. Let’s look at 20 key benefits of influencer marketing in Bangladesh.

Top 20 key benefits of influencer marketing

1. Process is the shortcut 

In Bangladesh, there are many renowned influencers who have many targeted followers. Some industries get benefited because by using influence marketing, they can get their target customers in a short time. When you plan to collaborate with influencers they make video content for you and within 1 day you can get your expected result. Before you have to spend huge money and time reaching the customers. Now it is possible to use the power of influencer marketing in business. 

2. Customers trust people to avoid the advertising curtain 

People can be convinced by influencers because they follow whom they like, love, and respect. And influencers have that creative quality to represent your product in a natural way based on context and customers. 

3. Know how to target the right customers 

They know what types of people use Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and Tiktok. Depending on your product criteria, they know which social media platform is suitable for upholding your brand name and bringing the targeted consumers. 

4. Boundless opportunity to sharing 

When the influencers launch any promotional videos or content based on products and services, the followers share their posts and create the opportunity to go viral.  

5. Possibility of a high return on investment (ROI)

Influencer marketing practices not only bring your target consumers in a short time but also increases the possibility of a high return on investment. 

6. Drive purchasing decision 

Consumers believe the recommendation of the influencers. For example, if you want to get skin care suggestions you may follow some beauty expert influencers. In this case, when you show a post that is relevant to your skincare issue and a renowned influencer is suggesting a product to use for your skin, then you get guided to purchase that product. 

7. Influencers play a leadership role to lead the generation  

Influencers can play leadership roles and people give priority to their opinion. For example, Rafsan TheChotoBhai is a food blogger, and reviewer on social media platforms, He tries to give honest reviews on food restaurants. Based on his food and restaurant reviews, people plan for hanging out with friends and family. As a result, most restaurant owners collaborate with him to promote their food business. This is the key strength of influence marketing. 

8. Influencers set trends 

Influencers have the power of making new trends. If you want to launch your new products, they can bring a spotlight to your brand through their creative ideas and reviews. 

9. Long-term benefits 

Building trust and authority among customers takes time. When it is possible to gain, ultimately sales start to increase. By using an influence marketing strategy, you can ensure the long-term benefits of your business. 

10. Boost your SEO 

While upholding the brand’s name, influencers add page links in their post which helps to rank your page. Also, by hearing your brand’s name people will search for it on Google, and that will create traffic to your webpage.  

11. Applicable for all types of business 

Influencer marketing is not for large industries, it is suitable for all local companies. You can see in Bangladesh most online business owners create a paid partnership with traditional celebrities.  

And the question arrives in mind,   

How does influencer marketing help small businesses?

For local businesses, the owners can collaborate with micro-influencers. Because they can easily afford to make a paid partnership. Also, Influencers assist small businesses by: 

12. Help to survive the ad-block era

Ad-blocking software is available on smartphones and at least 150 million people use it constructively. Therefore, influencer marketing opens the way to spread the messages straightly through social media platforms. Gradually, business owners get the opportunity to progress sales in a short period of time.  

13. Advertise naturally 

While influencers promote any products, try to represent everything in a natural way. Nowadays most influencers research a lot about the product and then provide correct information. They are so confident and avoid overreacting to convince the audience. 

14. Research and development 

Most of the established influencers have creative ideas and strong knowledge of social media platforms. They know how to promote and how to grab the target consumers. Before starting any proportional post they try to do research about your brand’s product and make creative content in such a way that you can develop your business growth. Prominent influencers use different types of strategies to reach out to their target audience on social media platforms. 

15. Optimization and economies of scale 

With proper planning and applying strategy in influencer marketing, business owners increase their trading and achieve their target audiences. In this case, professional influencers have the experience to manage the process properly. They know how to target the younger customers in this generation. Their trending and generation knowledge is so advanced to create the highest engagement. 

A professional influencer has the power to grow business sales properly. You have to choose the right influencer to promote your business. If you can’t select or don’t know what to do, you can contact a social media marketing agency. digiSocial is a well-known agency for influencer marketing. This agency manages everything from beginning to end. It has skillful and competent employees to optimize your RIO. 

16. Flexibility on social media platforms  

Influence marketing is allowable on multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, and so on. You can plan for the influencer marketing campaign where you want to. 

17. Flexible pricing 

Traditional marketing is so costly and only large industries can afford this to do. Nowadays, local business owners can afford to promote their businesses because of influencer marketing. 

18. Save time 

On online presence, for selling your product, you have to make video content. But social media influencers have the ability to create quality content. It saves time and increases trust and connectivity with the consumers. 

19. Create a reputation for your brand 

In Bangladesh, many food bloggers have a huge contribution to building the reputation of different restaurants. And based on their reviews people get encouraged to visit those restaurants. 

20. Drive conversions 

Influencers do their job professionally but manage the process naturally. That means they have the strong power to drive their loyal customers. To buy some products 50% of people rely on the recommendation of influencers.

Final Words

In conclusion, influencer marketing has become an effective strategy for brands to connect with their target audience in Bangladesh. By partnering with influencers who have a significant following and influence in their respective niche, brands can increase their reach, credibility, and engagement with their audience. The key benefits of influencer marketing include higher engagement rates, improved brand awareness, and increased sales.

As social media usage continues to grow in Bangladesh, influencer marketing is poised to become an even more critical part of the marketing mix for brands looking to stand out and connect with their customers in a meaningful way.

Bonus part:

Frequently Asked Questions

Online influencer marketing can be bad if you don’t know the correct way. Suppose you make a partnership with the wrong influencer then you may face trouble. They couldn’t bring your target audience and ROI. And then influencer marketing will be a bad experience for you.

It actually depends. But before building a partnership with any influencers make sure some basic things: 

  • Content quality 
  • Relationship with audiences 
  • What types of followers 
  • Working experience with brands 
  • Audiences reaction

Influencer marketing helps to find local audiences. Influencers assist to reach your goal in such ways: 

  • Bring the customers in a short time
  • Low cost 
  • Prove the authenticity of brands
  • Create innovative and fresh content 
  • Ability to bring new audiences 
  • Know the correct use of hashtags 
  • Keep track of audience review 

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