Future of Digital Marketing in Bangladesh

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Digital marketing is hyped day by day. It’s already a digital Bangladesh now and gradually it’s going toward becoming a smart Bangladesh. In such a scenario, there is no alternative to digital marketing because when everything is digitized, traditional marketing is near to no use.

So, you can imagine that the future of digital marketing in Bangladesh is going to be amazing. But how amazing!

No idea? Then read my blog and get the idea.

What is Digital Marketing and How is it Important?

The simplest definition of digital marketing is that the digital form of marketing is known as digital marketing. If you want to know in detail about digital marketing and the importance of digital marketing in Bangladesh, please read this blog- “Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in Bangladesh?

Growing in the Direction of Digital Marketing

Just have a look at the following statics as per Statista

  • Ad expenditure in digital marketing (advertising market) is expected to be US$ 330.80 million in 2023.
  • The largest segment of the market will have a market volume of around US$ 199.30 million in 2023. 
  • The average ad expenditure for each user in the search advertising sector is expected to be around US$ 7.11 in 2023. 
  • In the market of digital advertising, around 39 percent of total ad expenditure will be gathered through mobile in 2027. 
  • In the market of digital advertising, around 88 percent of the revenue from digital advertising will be gathered through methodical advertising in 2027.

All these projected statistics denote that Bangladesh is gradually growing toward digital marketing. If you check back and evaluate the digital marketing practices in Bangladesh of a few years ago, you would see that there are simple SEO practices and online content that were not so up to the mark compared to the methods and techniques of today. So, digital marketing practices are developing and gaining popularity. 

Internet users’ number is enhancing quickly day by day in Bangladesh. Users love to check whatever they need or want over the internet. In such a situation, if your business doesn’t have an online presence, you will lag behind your competitors. That’s why most businesses now focus on improving digital marketing strategies to be in the race. 

You’ll need the exact planning and digital marketing strategies to keep up with the latest SEO trends and outperform your competitors. For instance, businesses in Bangladesh are now heading towards digital platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and many more to execute their ad campaigns instead of advertising on TV channels as a part of traditional marketing. It allows them to reach a huge audience instantly. More traditional marketing methods like print media and printing brochures are replaced with supreme content marketing strategies and blogs. 

Considering these changes, businesses are developing mobile apps and websites for their company activities that let their audience know about them on digital platforms, and build a powerful communication base.

Digital Marketing Future in Bangladesh

Digital marketing can be one of the most realistic methods for any type of business because it’s comparatively cost-effective and progressively powerful. Around 169 million population in Bangladesh can closely relate to it. Digital media can remove all the geographical, and other hindrances, and can reach a mass audience. Around 99 percent of the topographical range of the country is now covered under 3G internet. 

The web-based employment is becoming increasingly popular. The government is emphasizing developing the net facilities in the country. Mobile operators like Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel, and more are expanding their internet facilities.

Predictions of Digital Marketing

The future of digital marketing is an ever-evolving landscape, shaped by technological advancements and changing consumer behaviors.

Let’s explore predictions for the future of digital marketing, including personalization, voice search, augmented reality, and more.

Voice Search Optimization

Smart speakers and virtual assistants have gained popularity in recent years, with devices like Amazon Alexa and Google Home hitting the market. People have become more comfortable talking to their phones, leading to the increased adoption of hands-free technology. This trend in mobile is expected to continue growing, making voice search a common way for users to interact with their devices. In fact, it’s estimated that more than half of all search queries are now powered by voice search.

As the number of voice-powered smart devices increases, so do the opportunities for marketers. Amazon has already recognized this potential by offering discounted Kindle devices in exchange for consent to receive marketing communications. Targeted ads through Alexa are already in development, and it’s likely that other devices will follow suit.

The rise of smart speakers and voice search presents marketers with new avenues to reach their target audience, and we can expect further advancements and opportunities in this space.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

The future of digital marketing is being transformed by artificial intelligence (AI), bringing exciting possibilities. In the coming years, AI will make significant advancements, revolutionizing the industry.

One area where AI will shine is in customer service. Chatbots, powered by machine learning, will become increasingly sophisticated, allowing them to mimic human interactions more accurately. As a result, chatbots will become a standard feature, gradually replacing live agents for customer support tasks.

The trend of personalized and conversational marketing is gaining momentum, and chatbots play a crucial role in capitalizing on this trend. They enable businesses to engage with customers in a more personalized manner without straining their resources or manpower.

Furthermore, AI is making its mark in advertising. Although it hasn’t reached human-level creativity, Google is already utilizing AI to optimize ad campaigns. By analyzing user engagement, AI identifies the most effective ad designs and copy, automatically adjusting them for better performance.

As AI continues to evolve, the future of digital marketing looks promising, with chatbots and AI-driven advertising leading the way in enhancing customer experiences and campaign efficiency.

Influencer Marketing Trends

In recent years, influencer marketing has become a massive phenomenon. Popular influencers on platforms like Instagram and YouTube have amassed millions of followers and earned substantial incomes through brand partnerships.

However, influencer marketing is still in its early stages, and there are certain challenges that need to be addressed. One such issue is the presence of fake followers, which is currently being tackled by the industry. Additionally, there have been cases where brand-influencer collaborations have gone wrong, resulting in negative outcomes.

Moreover, prominent influencers are facing a decline in their influence as they engage in more sponsored posts. This dilutes the authenticity and impact of their recommendations.

As consumers increasingly value personal recommendations over traditional advertising, investing in “micro-influencers” makes more sense. These are social media users with smaller but dedicated followings who can deliver genuinely authentic marketing messages to a trusting audience.

Moving forward, an influencer’s power will be measured not solely by their follower count, but by the quality of their relationships with each individual follower.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Do you remember when Pokémon Go became incredibly popular in 2016? It wasn’t just a game; it showed how augmented reality can be used in fun and interactive ways. However, augmented reality is not limited to gaming. It has become a valuable tool for businesses to connect with customers.

In fact, a survey revealed that 61% of customers prefer to shop at businesses that offer augmented reality services and are more likely to buy from them. This means that augmented reality is not just a gimmick; it has real potential for brands to engage with their customers and boost sales.

We will explore how businesses are using augmented reality to attract customers and why it has become an important marketing opportunity. Get ready to discover the exciting world of augmented reality and its impact on the way we shop and interact with brands.

Types of Industries Engaged with Digital Marketing in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, digital marketing strategies are applied in different industries-

1. Bank

Banks always try to have more clients. Nowadays, they use digital marketing strategies widely, for instance- sms banking, mobile banking, internet banking, and many more services are offered by banks that are parts of digital methods.

2. E-Commerce

In e-commerce businesses, the main marketing strategy is online marketing. So, e-commerce businesses in Bangladesh are nothing without digital marketing.

3. Telecommunication

Telecommunication companies in our country such as Grameenphone, Robi, Banglalink, Airtel, and more offer various services such as VMS, MMS, SMS, internet packages, and more.

4. IT & Software/ICT Sector

The ICT or IT & Software sector in Bangladesh can be divided into 4 sectors-

  1. Hardware Solutions
  2. Network Solutions
  3. IT- ITeS (Tax Exemption for Information Technology)
  4. Information Technology (Consisting of Software Solution)

Again, based on BPO or Business Processing Outsourcing, several companies use an online marketplace to offer their services. For instance, Coder Trust, Kazi IT, BACCO, and many other companies offer BPO services from Bangladesh.

5. Export-Import Business

Garment items, Pharmaceuticals, Ceramics, Plastic, Steel, and many other items are imported and exported regularly from other countries to our country or from our country to other countries. Here, digital marketing policy is used vastly. 

6. Garments & Textiles

This industry has begun to promote the business digitally too because this industry is also related to the export and import industry. 

7. Tourism Sectors

This sector offers online room booking facilities, different tour-associated journeys, and many more. The companies in this sector rely upon digital media for each work like communication, transaction, and more. 

Some of Thriving Best Digital Marketing Agencies in Bangladesh

  • digiSocial Limited– Strive to be authentic
  • It’s a results-driven digital marketing agency in Bangladesh. You’ll get outstanding digital marketing services here. 
  • SmartSites- Think Web. Think Smart.
  • Jives Media- 5x Agency of the Year Winner. 
  • Manta- Manta helps you grow online to get more customers. 
  • Notionhive- Let’s think it through.
  • Riseup Lab- Diving Into Technology. 
  • Lilo Social- E-commerce Ad Agency in Brooklyn, New York.
  • Hotspex Media- Digital Advertising That Works as Hard as You Do. 
  • MonsterClaw LLC- Customer Acquisition-Centric Digital Agency.
  • Favoured- Founded by former Apple marketing lead. 

Apart from the above, there are plenty of digital marketing agencies in Bangladesh. This digital marketing industry is still in its budding stage. Some companies started their journey some years ago and many have started recently. This industry will develop more in years to come. 

The Outcomes of the Application of Digital Marketing in Bangladesh

You know well that we are becoming more and more technology-driven day by day. Everyone everywhere is now becoming connected or linked through social media. You have more access to the information you need because of the advancement of the internet facility. Businesses are gradually shifting from their traditional marketing methods to digital marketing methods to remain in the race. 

Let’s have a look at the outcomes of this application of digital marketing:

  • Global Reach and Visibility Online:

Digital marketing gives you online visibility and greater reach that wasn’t possible with traditional marketing. The main challenge of traditional marketing is the geographical barrier. Even if you have a small business and it has a website and social media accounts. You’ll get visitors and reach from overseas. 

  • Effective Targeting:

Targeting your audience becomes much easier with digital marketing. Target your audience through keyword research for SEO or search engine optimization, pay-per-click or PPC, or demographic details from social media. Effectively target your audience through these digital marketing tactics.

  • Local Visibility:

Digital marketing increases your business’s local visibility because both local and global businesses use local SEO strategies, and local advertising to target their local customers. 

  • Improved Outcomes of Offline Marketing Strategies:

Offline marketing tactics like TV and radio commercials, billboards, telemarketing, and more get benefit from digital marketing. When you have effectively developed your business’s online presence, a customer easily recognizes your business when they see you on offline media because they have seen it before online. 

  • Cost Effective:

Whether your business is small, large, local, or global digital marketing will serve you with cost-effective solutions. The main cost elements in digital marketing are labor and management, online advertisement cost (PPC), content creation, digital marketing tool costs, landing page costs, different website-related technical service costs, and outsourcing agency costs (if needed). 

  • Variation in Digital Marketing Tactics:

Digital marketing lets you develop different new strategies based on your business requirements. Digital marketing is data-driven and customized based on various metrics. Different businesses have different goals and different metrics based on their different goals. You’ll customize your digital marketing tactics based on your business goals such as SEM or search engine marketing, content marketing, social media marketing, influencer marketing, and the like. 

  • Various Content Types:

Digital marketing’s most crucial benefit is that it will let you use various types of content. You’ll able to use different content types related to your niche to target and engage your audience well.

  • Improved Engagement:

Digital marketing is a field that will offer you high engagement in different ways like your audience sharing your content on social media, liking that, commenting on that, or visitors simply visiting your site, and the like. 

  • Easy Monitoring and Optimization:

Digital marketing heavily relies on data, so if you are well-organized, you and your team will get various required web analytics by using various tools such as Google Analytics and the like. If you monitor those data closely, you’ll be able to optimize your digital marketing strategies accordingly. 

  • Better Communication and Customer Service:

Digital marketing ensures better communication and customer service because, with the advancement of internet facilities and online visibility, you or you appoint a dedicated team to contact clients and reply to their queries and give solutions. 

  • Easy to Get Started:

Get started with an online business or local business easily with digital marketing. Suppose, you want to start your local store, then Google My Business will help you to get started. 

  • Challenges for Digital Marketing in Bangladesh

The major hindrance to implementing digital marketing in our country is infrastructure. You’ll face the biggest obstacle to expanding digital marketing while obtaining the crucial stakeholders in your network to help or cooperate with you. Apart from this. The digital marketing sector is facing various challenges and they are:

  • Customer-Oriented Market

It’s not easy to execute a customer-oriented strategy, specifically, when you know that it is ever-changing. You won’t be able to engage your resources and time for excessively general keywords or materials. You need to develop and apply SEO and paid advertising strategies carefully. You can visualize and explain your ideal customers by preparing a buyer persona. 

  • Engaging Content

You always need to create relevant and helpful content that directs and informs users of a solution. The engaging content concept is always trendy and dynamic. So, agencies must create creative and fresh concepts for the presentation of materials and communication of their message engagingly and uniquely that appeals to their target audience. 

  • Developing Qualified Links

You need to develop effective leads to keep your business going. The cost of paid advertisements such as on Facebook, Google, and the like is gradually going up. So, generating a lead is becoming costlier. You need to deliver quality content that offers them excellent value to develop a long-term relationship with them.

  • Matching the Regulations of Data Privacy

Fluctuating privacy laws and threats from various third-party hackers are some ever-lasting issues in digital marketing. You always need to ensure that your company always complies with the regulations of data privacy.

  • Preserving Brand Consistency

Digital marketing has made your brand promotion so easy but you need to maintain your product or service quality or improve it further and offer competitive pricing. If you want to preserve your brand consistency, you need to take care of all the required topics, offer the best service, and promote your product/service across all social media platforms and devices.

Final Words:

So, from the whole discussion, it’s evident that the future of digital marketing in Bangladesh is quite bright. Still, if you have any queries, go through the FAQ section, and want any assistance regarding digital marketing, please contact digiSocial.

Frequently Asked Questions

It’s quite bright. Please go through this blog-“Is Digital Marketing a Good Career in Bangladesh?” to get a complete answer to this question.

With the advancement of AI or Artificial Intelligence, companies will automate more of their processes. They will make careful decisions depending on the data analytics provided by AI. As per the reliable source, over 85 percent of digital advertisements will be performed through automation in the coming days.

Digital marketing is crucial for Bangladesh because it allows businesses to reach a wider audience and potential customers through various online platforms. With an increasing number of people using the internet, digital marketing provides a cost-effective and efficient way for businesses to promote their products and services, build brand awareness, and increase sales.

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