How to Develop Pillar Content Strategy for Social Media in Bangladesh – An In-depth Guide

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Are you tired of coming up with content ideas and running short on ideas? This is a common struggle who are trying to promote their brands on social media.

Developing a pillar content strategy for social media in Bangladesh is the way to elevate this problem. In simple words, you want to create a blueprint for your strategy.

In this article, I will be discussing how to plan content pillars for social media, things to consider when developing a content strategy for social media in Bangladesh, and share a few tips that will help you boost your social media presence.

If you want to know, How To Develop A Social Media Content Strategy in Bangladesh – An In-Depth Guide then you should check out this article.

Let us now continue to know what are pillar contents!

What Are Pillar Contents?

Pillar contents are the core topics with other relevant branches that can be divided into subtopics. Content pillars are created to target specific audiences to generate leads and brand awareness, and drive more sales.

Pillar contents are the foundation of content strategy for social media in Bangladesh; to drive more leads through content strategy. And more subtopics are generated to reach a broader audience.

The pillar contents are created for different social media as the audiences are different on each platform the content needs to be different as well. The more useful information the users get it is likely those users will be converted into potential customers.

As social media contents are exclusively for social media platforms the pillar content should be relevant to the brand promotion and its primary objective; more sales. The target audience will also vary in different social media channels so the pillar content will be different with each of the platforms. 

Your pillar content strategy may vary with different social media as not all social media platform has the same audience. The audience may differ but the main message will remain the same which is to reach a greater target audience.

Content categories, content buckets, or content clusters are also known as pillar contents. 

Now let us find out the importance of creating pillar content for social media!

Why is it important to create pillar content for social media?

Social media pillar content is created specifically to target potential customers who are not aware of your brand. Pillar content creates the opportunity to come up with new ideas on how to promote the brand on different social media platforms.

Creating content for so many different platforms can seem to be a huge undertaking but when you have a killer content pillar strategy then you don’t have to worry too much. Pillar contents help create subtopics that are relevant with little effort. 

If there is no relevancy with your objective to the pillar content then you will be driving all the wrong sorts of leads and you need to adjust your strategy to create more targeted contents that will help achieve your business goals.

Pillar contents are also helpful when developing a social media content calendar. It will help you to create a content calendar that is structured. And it will guide you to organize the content, as in it helps you to decide which content should be posted when and after which one. Helping to derive the content calendar takes a huge load off your mind.

Creating specific strategies for specific social media platforms ensures that your posts on social media are targeted. This will help to target a wider audience and create more brand awareness.

Read also: Why Do You Need a Social Media Content Strategy in Bangladesh?

How To Create Pillar Content For Social Media

create pillar content for social media

Let us look at the strategies involved in developing pillar content for social media in Bangladesh

Pillar content research

Researching and coming up with pillar content ideas is the first step to developing a pillar content strategy for social media managers. The content must be relevant to the brand objective.

You need to post on different social media platforms with different content but there must be relevant to the pillar content.

Mining subtopics

Mining for subtopics that are relevant to your brand’s objective and promotion is vital for social media success. 

With the proper keywords and content, your post likes will get the boost it rightfully deserves. 

The relevant sub-branches can be different as you will be posting them on different social media platforms.

Finding out related keywords

By finding keywords that are content-related and have user intent you will be able to generate the proper leads.

The proper leads are converted to sales when high-quality content is produced for social media platforms. 

Competitor research

Before you start with pillar content strategy you have to do competitor research.

But when developing a pillar content strategy you have to do it all over again so that you are aware of who to beat. 

When creating the social media marketing campaign you need to target the competitors’ audience first. So that they know your brand and not your competitors.

Creating posts better than the competitors will directly boost your brand awareness. By properly researching the competitors you can offer something more than them. 

By adding more value to the content you can create posts that are better than your competitors which will drive more leads to your business than your competitors.

Check for user-generated content which is what the users are posting about your competitors. More importantly, what they are posting from their social media profiles on their posts about brands like yours will be the stepping stone for you to make ideas for the content type.

Review the analytics

You can check how well your audience has reacted to a certain post you made on social media strategy. This is done by reviewing the analytics.

If you are not up-to-date with the analytics of your posts then you might as well stop wasting your precious time and money.

Reviewing the analytics will help you determine whether your posted content has reached maximum engagement and what can you do to perform even better.

You can also track engagement rates, comments, and likes on your posts so you can analyze your previous post to pick the winning strategy that works best for your brand’s promotion.

Analytics helps you to compare and contrast your old posts so you know which strategies are working on which kind of posts. You will also be able to compare posts between different social media platforms so you can outreach your competitors and get those valuable customers.

Learn More: How to Manage and Monitor Social Media Marketing Campaigns?

User intent content

Researching keywords with the user intent in mind. After researching the keyword you need to create content for different social media platforms.

You can be one with your audience by creating surveys or polls on social media platforms which will let you know what your audience is looking for and you can adjust or tweak your strategy from there.

Make your content entertaining, relevant, and meaningful

Content that is fascinating, engaging, and appealing to the audience is referred to as entertaining content. It may have storytelling, humor, or other components that keep the audience’s interest.

Content that is directly related to the audience’s interests, needs, or issues is referred to as being relevant. It may contain news about the industry, advice, or other material that the audience will find beneficial.

Content that is meaningful has a more profound meaning or message. Inspiring or educating the audience can be achieved through thought leadership pieces, social or environmental concerns, or other content.

Research latest trends

A strategy that is working today may not work tomorrow so to keep your business running smoothly you need to keep yourself updated with all the latest trends.

When developing the content calendar the latest trends always come into play. This eases the difficulty of creating the content calendar.

If you keep yourself up-to-date with the latest trends then you will be able to identify the interests and needs of your potential customers.

Keep in mind the target audience

Understanding what your target audience is looking for is vital. To find out what the users are looking for you may ask several questions and try to determine what you can do to better their experience.

Read also: Definitive Guide to Successful PPC Audience Targeting in Bangladesh

Attempting to reach

“Audience need” describes the particular needs, interests, and preferences of the target market that a company or organization is attempting to reach through its social media content. Conducting research and analysis to comprehend the needs of the audience is crucial before developing a content pillar strategy for social media. This may entail polling or interviewing current and future clients, studying audience behavior and demographic information, and keeping an eye on conversations and trends on social media.

Once audience needs are understood, a content pillar strategy can be designed to produce content that meets those needs and takes into account the target audience’s goals, pain areas, and interests.

convert current content into new forms

Repurposing current information and reaching new audiences can be accomplished by transforming it into new formats. This can be a key component of a content pillar strategy for social media because it gives companies more opportunities to use the material they have already produced.

Repurposing blog material into infographics or videos can be a terrific strategy to expand your audience and boost social media engagement.

Making social media postings from previously published blog entries is a quick and easy approach to spreading worthwhile content to more people and increasing website traffic for the business.

The questions are:

target audience question

These types of questions will determine how you can best target an audience so that they can have the best user experience and you can make some profit.

Making a content calendar

What is a content calendar? A content calendar is an arranged schedule for planning when you will post your social media content. It is a fixed timetable that decides what platforms will be used, what sort of content you’ll post, and when to post it. A content calendar can include many different topics but it must include the content posting date and timing.

How to make a content calendar? Make a simple overview of everything you want to keep in mind when creating a social media post. Making a content calendar is a thorough and gradual process.

A content calendar will also help you be active when producing content and to maintain a steady flow in updating.

Check out this article: A Definitive Guide on Social Media Content Calendar

Create Platform-Specific Content

As mentioned before, the same type of content or media cannot be posted on every platform. The audience on Facebook is different than the audience on Instagram. On Instagram, usually, videos and short reels with hashtags become more popular and get shared everywhere. Instagram is a great platform for user-generated content.

To maintain the maximum reach of content and UGC potential, it is essential to create separate content for each social media platform. The type of content that performs better on each platform needs to be decided after careful research and monitoring.

Learn more: What is User-Generated Content in Social Media?

Here are some content ideas that you can use for each separate platform:

  • Short videos or reels for Instagram.
  • Text posts with pictures for LinkedIn.
  • Video or illustration for Twitter with a short text.
  • Videos under 15 minutes for YouTube in a series format.
  • Reel-type videos with voice-overs for Facebook.

Of course, the type of content may change depending on which sort of posts are performing better on your social media platforms. So make note of that and decide on your platform-based content.

If you’re in a tough spot when it comes to generating content ideas for social media, we’ve covered a detailed feature on how to find content ideas for social media.

5 Actionable Things To Consider When Making Pillar Content For Social Media 

When creating a pillar content strategy for social media you must consider a few things:

5 Actionable Things Making Pillar Content for Social Media 
  • Find your target audience
  • Topics are the audience targeted
  • How can the topic target the audience
  • Is the topic helpful to the user
  • Create more brand awareness

#1 In which platforms are your target audience

You must find out which social media platforms your target audiences are using. This will determine how your relevant content should be structured.

As I have mentioned before, the social media platform determines what content needs to be posted in front of which audience.

Read also: How to Take Advantage of Strategic PPC Audience Targeting in Bangladesh

#2 What are they searching for online?

With the help of analytics, you must look for what your users are searching for related to your brand or product.

This will help you in the process of selecting the right keyword. After selecting the correct keywords you can write the proper relevant content for your posts.

#3 Contents are audience targeted

You would need to write the correct content for the correct audience. If your targeted audience cannot find you even though you have selected the correct keywords then it is because the user cannot relate to your content.

Researching what types of content are best suited to your type of post will have a significant impact. Social media content strategy is important when looking for a targeted audience.

#4 Is the content helpful to the user?

Users always want helpful quality content. Content that will help them either decide on a product or service. So you must be mindful of the fact that if your content is not helpful then the users will not trust and online trust is everything.

If they don’t trust, they won’t budge.

#5 Will the content create more brand awareness

Your priority is to create more brand awareness through social media. And that is achieved when your content promotion is done properly. If the content you post does not deliver the appropriate message then your brand’s name won’t spread and your competitors will take all of your customers.

If these things are kept in mind when creating pillar content for social media then you are on the correct path to boosting your sales and creating more brand awareness.

Tips For Making Pillar Content On Social Media

Tips For Making Pillar Content

Here are a few tips for pillar content strategy on social media

  • Pay attention to what your customer is looking for.
  • Use the analytics to determine where your pillar content strategy should put your focus on.
  • Create polls and survey to guide you on what the users need from you.
  • Using multiple social media platforms is highly recommended.
  • Create contention derived from data that will drive more sales.
  • Video content to attract content creators who can promote your brand.

Final Words

If you are planning on how to develop pillar content on social media in Bangladesh then you are in the correct place.

I have pointed out the key points which are helpful when creating a pillar content strategy for social media.

Hopefully, you will enjoy reading this article as much as I have enjoyed writing about it. Best of luck with your digital marketing strategy.

We have an in-depth guide on How to find content ideas for social media. This article will hep you find content ideas for your social media.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pillar content is an essential part of brand promotion by writing high-quality and engaging content. Pillar contents help in many aspects such as when creating a content calendar, and coming up with subtopics from the main pillar topic of the content.

digiSocial is a digital marketing agency that will be your partner in this wonderful adventure in the digital realm. When you hire us to promote your brand on social media channels then you need not worry about anything. Just sit back relax and watch as your business gets the boost it needs. You will be able to get a personal proposal tailored specifically to your goal and objective. So why are you waiting? 
If you need any sort of content creation for social media platforms then Contact US now!!

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