SEO for E-commerce Websites in Bangladesh – Everything You Need to Know

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Do you know around 44% of people begin their shopping online with search engines? And around 23.6% of orders are straightly related to natural traffic? Well, from the mentioned statistics the importance of SEO in e-commerce is quite clear. If you own an e-commerce website but you are not applying SEO to it, you’re lagging for sure. Still, you can rectify yourself, and take your website to your desired level to give you the desired outcome.

But how? That’s why we are here. We will discuss SEO for e-commerce websites in Bangladesh– Everything you need to know in this article.

What is E-commerce SEO?

What is E-commerce SEO-

E-commerce SEO is a process to make your online business more visible on SERPs or search engine result pages. When search engine users are looking for the products you are selling, you like to rank your site higher to have more traffic.

Paid searches can also get you traffic, but SEO is a cost-effective way. Again, ad blindness and ad blockers can irritate searchers in the case of paid searches. So, going for SEO is the best option for you. E-commerce SEO generally optimizes your headlines, metadata, product descriptions, the structure of internal links, and navigation for not only search but also user experience.

Design a separate page for each of your products and SEO for e-commerce product pages or on-page SEO for an e-commerce website will attract traffic from each search engine. But don’t forget about the pages that are not product-oriented and static on your website like the About page, Homepage, Blog articles, FAQ page, Help center replies, and contact page.

Generate a keyword list and related keyword list. Use any of the SEO tools like Ubersuggest to quickly look for long-tail keywords and get well-matching semantic keywords with those.

Why Is SEO Important for E-commerce Websites?

Why Is SEO Important for Ecommerce Websites-

Let’s keep it simple. E-commerce stores survive on a steady flow of new consumers and a repeat buyers’ loyal base. If you don’t get new buyers, you won’t be able to generate new revenue, and it will be difficult for your store to expand or grow. SEO for e-commerce stores helps identify new potential buyers, enables to get confidence and trust of online purchasers, and thus helps to get their loyalty in the long run.
In the above way, SEO for e-commerce sites plays an important role.

Is SEO worth it for E-commerce Businesses?

Of course, SEO is worth it, if the right SEO strategy backs you for e-commerce websites, and an expert SEO agency works with you to get you the desired results as well. Statistics say that around 93% of all online experiences start with search engines. Again, the percentage of SEO leads is quite larger than that of conventional marketing. That’s why SEO gives an excellent ROI or return on investment.

10 Reasons Why E-commerce Businesses Need SEO Service

10 Reasons Why Ecommerce Businesses Need SEO Service

Let’s have a look at these ten reasons:

1. Develop Online Visibility

The first and foremost thing SEO companies do about your e-commerce website is to build your business’s online presence. SEO develops its online visibility on search engines. The full SEO process is quite lengthy, but once it is started, your business, its services, and products get website visibility. If you apply the right tools and techniques for optimization, search engines can easily access each of your content from the whole world.

2. Get Long-term Outcomes

Your business website should develop with the growth of your business. SEO is a digital marketing strategy that grows with the business and you can adjust it as per your need. It allows your business to rank for increased keywords within the results of search engines, positively affects search engine crawlers, and starts to develop increased backlinks to the site. It gives positive signals to Google from the perspective of off-page SEO for an e-commerce website.

So, business owners need the patience to work with SEO. Often you can see a quick spike in natural traffic, but SEO is by nature a continuous, long-term strategy for digital marketing that gives lasting outcomes and gains in the long run.

3. SEO Saves Your Money

SEO gives complete feedback on each SEO effort, offers your business’s products and services online, and lets you save your money and earn money as well. It helps you generate long-term increased income by letting your customers view and buy your products anywhere and anytime. Again, you have no worries about extra expenses because here, your e-commerce site is your 24/7 salesperson at quite low costs.

4. E-commerce Websites Are Convenient

You can bring more customers to your store by running e-commerce sites. Because consumers like it as they can see and buy products from their homes. They don’t have to go to the physical store after being stuck in traffic or don’t need to go home empty-handed due to limited stock.

Furthermore, having your business online lets you reach an increased geographic area, and attracts more clients. In a nutshell, your e-commerce website lets your business grow ignoring the location and time factor that is not possible for your physical stores.

5.  Customizes Your Websites According to Your SEO Needs

SEO is always fruitful for your business because it is not only versatile but also can be customized to match your business exactly. A professional web development company can develop a tailored e-commerce site where you can apply SEO as well. It lets you identify you can highlight your business’s which features to make your online store more visible and keep it ahead of the competition. Again, if you invest in an expert web hosting company, your rankings on the search engines will improve manifold.

6. Increases Social Media Presence

SEO helps to increase your social media presence. Because it not only increases your website’s online presence but also builds profiles on social media platforms. SEO and social media both are inseparable. They support one another to get your business popularity in SERPs.

When people buy a product, they search for a website that ranks high. After making a purchase, most of the buyers follow that company’s pages on social media.

7. SEO Keeps You Ahead of Your Competitors

No matter whatever business you are running, you will face some competition. Nowadays, a website is essential for any business whether it be a startup or an established one. Because you will use this website to manage your business activities. When you like to sell more items than your competitors do, you need to rank better than them.

Again, it will make your searchers on the internet think that your business is better than others. SEO also lets you compete with reputed businesses to get increased market shares through Google, social media, or YouTube.

8. Customers Can Easily Find You

SEO lets your customers easily find you because if your website ranks on top in SERPs, that reaches out to larger audiences. As a result, you can easily market your services and products.

9. SEO Offers Improved User Experience

When you rank on top of search engines that means your website is well-designed and user-friendly. Google prioritizes mobile-friendly sites because more than 60% of users nowadays look for various services and products they require and want using their mobiles. If your website has simple yet useful information and some videos or images, it will improve natural traffic for sure.

10. Develop Customers’ Trust in the Website

If you have a top ranking on search engines, your business will achieve more trust than the ones appearing on the second or third pages. Again, it makes it easier for your business to get increased sales and organic traffic.

What is SEO ROI for E-commerce Businesses in Bangladesh?

What is SEO ROI for Ecommerce Businesses in Bangladesh-

SEO ROI for e-commerce businesses measures the return on investment of SEO with information from Google Analytics and also from all other related sources.

The below-mentioned formula can let you calculate this figure for e-commerce business:

(Profit-Investment) / Investment * 100

For example, if your business has a profit of BDT 50,000 with an investment of BDT 10,000, your SEO ROI will be as follows:

(50,000-10,000) / 10,000*100 = 400%

Thus, businesses in Bangladesh can easily calculate the ROI.

How to Do SEO for E-commerce Websites That Drives Revenue

How to Do SEO for Ecommerce Websites That Drives Revenue

Search engines apply crawlers, algorithms, and indexes to decide which content is well-deserving for the top place. This process begins with crawling where search engines send a bot team that finds updated and new content. It can add a product you have just included to the store or a brand new review by a happy customer.

The found data is then saved in an index. When your content is included in the index of Google, it’s in the process of becoming visible in related search results. When anyone searches, Google searches its index for related content. If your content matches well with the query, it has a higher chance to get included among search results.

I think, now you are quite clear about the ranking process of Google. Now, let’s get some SEO tips for e-Commerce websites.

Key Tactics to Include in Your e-commerce SEO strategy for e-commerce Websites to Drive Organic Traffic

Key Tactics to Include in Your e-commerce SEO strategy for e-commerce Websites to Drive Organic Traffic-

E-commerce Keyword Research

Keyword research is the step where you find out the words or phrases that people use to search for content associated with your business in search engines. This research mainly falls under two types: informational and transactional/product.

Informational: People use these terms to get informative content such as tutorials or how to do something. If you have blogs on your e-commerce site, target these keywords.

transactional/product: People use these terms to look for a product. For your e-commerce website, these keywords should be the main focus. Find the right keywords with the exact research of the most searched related terms that people use while looking for the products.

Use automated suggestions and the ‘people also ask” feature of Google, and check the terms that your successful competitors use for this purpose. Amazon is quite like Google in terms of popularity in the case of e-commerce websites. Ahrefs, Keyword Explorer, KWFinder, and SEMrush are well-known tools for keyword research.

E-commerce Site Structure

Your e-commerce site needs to have a hierarchic structure where at the top level is the home page, main categories at level 1, subcategories at level 2, and then product pages. Consider your process of keyword research to decide best the way to develop your site structure. Because keyword research is necessary to optimize the titles, and descriptions, and also to give ideas about how you can structure the site.

On-page SEO for e-commerce website

On-page SEO helps your e-commerce site rank higher, drive enhanced traffic, engage users, and convert increased leads. Generally, people research before buying a product on Google. They generally compare features and prices, read reviews, and look for advice and tips to make a better buying decision.

Use the most relevant keywords in titles, headers, paragraphs, product descriptions, names of image files and alt text, meta titles, descriptions, and URLs. Give all details like shipping costs, return policy, and user reviews on your product pages. Write a useful copy to give your users real value. Avoid too much keyword stuffing so that Google doesn’t suspect it.

Timely update all the seasonal sales for your customers.

Perform Technical SEO Audit for e-commerce website

Ensure that your website and content rank higher in SERPs on Google Search Console. Always keep your SEO strategy updated with the latest trends of Google Search Console. Mainly, nine steps are involved in this audit of Technical SEO for e-commerce websites:

a)  crawl your site
b)  review the sitemap
c)  check your website’s browsable versions
d)  examine internal links
e)  test your site speed
f)   examine HTTPS content like canonicals, links, and redirects
g)  contrast site metrics by Google Analytics
h)  perform the backlink audit
i)   re-crawl the website

Local SEO for E-commerce Website

If you’re running an e-commerce website in Bangladesh, Local SEO Services can help improve your business’s online visibility for customers located in your area. Local SEO focuses on optimizing your business listing’s performance on search engine results pages, with a specific emphasis on local searches.

By implementing various local SEO strategies, you can attract more local customers and increase your website’s traffic. With the help of professional Local SEO Services in Bangladesh, you can take advantage of the growing local market and improve your business’s search engine ranking for relevant keywords.

Link Building for e-commerce SEO

Build links for your e-commerce website in the following ways:

a) Use video marketing.
b) Utilize extreme products for developing links.
c)  Use influencers for building content assets.
d) Create some features so that people share your products.
e) Offer product samples to your niche’s bloggers.
f) Create compelling blogs with integrated content marketing.
g) Develop a total community of your brand ambassadors.

Measuring Success for an E-commerce Website

Measure success for your e-commerce site using the following metrics for e-commerce:

a) Conversion rate: If you can convert your visitors to buyers that can be a good indicator of success.

b) AOV or Average order value: It indicates the average transactions that occur on your site.

c) CAC or Customer acquisition cost: Your customer acquisition cost is likely to increase with your business growth.

d)  Bounce rate: The bounce rate measures the number of persons that navigate away from the site after seeing a single page. Generally, a bounce rate of between 25 percent to 80 percent is termed as “bad” based on the function of the site. Normally, a bounce rate of 45.68 percent has been termed the average for e-commerce sites because customers are prone to browse different product pages.

e)  Social media involvement: Social media involvement is measured by call-through rate (CTR), referrals, and social conversions. CTR is equal to the number of clicks on your content divided by how many times the ad or post is seen. A high CTR indicates that your content is good. Referrals are the people that come to your site from other sites such as social media websites. Social conversion is when your client buys your product immediately after visiting one of your social media sites.

f)  Abandonment rate for shopping cart: Investment to minimize the causes of shopping cart abandonment rate is important. Some of these reasons are additional fees, lack of payment processes, slow loading speed, no guest checkout, and security concerns.

g)  Return rate: On average, the return rate in e-commerce is 20 percent to 30 percent, but it can rise to even 40 percent for product types like apparel. Your business needs to understand its reason and take corrective measures.

h)  Percentage of first-time vs existing customers: This percentage reflects your rate of customer retention and is directly related to the customer acquisition rate. If existing customers are well aware of your brand, your customer acquisition rate becomes quite lower.

i)  NPS or Net promoter score: You will ask in NPS  your clients on a 1-10 scale to rate your service and will they recommend your service.

j)  CLV or customer lifetime value: CLV=Average order value*Average number of purchases each year * Average time a client is retained. Simply, multiply the mentioned three figures to get your CLV.

If you want to learn more check our detailed information on How to Measure the success of digital marketing campaigns in Bangladesh.

The Benefits of SEO for E-commerce in Bangladesh

The Benefits of SEO for Ecommerce in Bangladesh

SEO for e-commerce serves the following benefits in Bangladesh and also in other countries of the world.

Build sustainable traffic

If you invest your time and efforts in SEO, you can create traffic with a comparatively higher sustainable rate.

Develop quality traffic

SEO lets you develop better quality traffic because of more focused and quality keyword research.

Get improved brand visibility

SEO makes sure that your brand always remains a part of the customer query whenever a customer makes a buying decision. Even when someone chooses your competitor from the search result list, they will consider you as an alternative from their subconscious mind.

Offer customers a better experience

SEO lets your customers easily find your business in search engines. Most people will type the name of a specific brand or store while searching for it, instead of typing in the address bar. So, an expert SEO strategy is important to help your customers find you easily.

Build customer trust

Google will rank you higher if it trusts you. A professional SEO strategy will let you rank higher in Google search results. This will, in turn, build customer trust in your brand.

It’s (kind of) free

You don’t have to spend money directly on SEO, but you need to invest your time and effort. Again, taking help from website experts, content writers and editors can frequently accelerate the boosting process of your ranking on search engines. However, you will need money for all of these.

Increase sales

SEO will improve your brand exposure and required trust, and it will increase your sales.

Develop an audience for remarketing

Whenever your potential clients click on your site, their data gets saved on your site, if you use some sort of smart coding on your site.

Get higher ROI

An expert SEO strategy will get you a high ROI for the business. That ROI will, of course, depend on which industry you belong to, the product type you sell, and the amount of profit you get from every sale.

Influence purchase decisions

Favorable rankings on search engines make your e-commerce store visible in the customer conversation at an exact time. Your potential clients can change their decision of purchasing your competitors’ products at any time, getting influenced by your expert SEO efforts.

If you own a small/medium e-commerce business & still confused about how SEO can help you, Read our details information on Why do small or medium businesses need SEO in Bangladesh.

Now this article will help you to know about common E-commerce SEO problems that are dominating in 2023.

Final Verdict

Now, you must be clear about SEO for e-commerce websites in Bangladesh- Everything you need to know. So, to get the customized SEO strategy for your e-commerce business contact with digiSocial‘s team of experts or fill out this form to reach out to us. Go ahead !!.

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